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The single website I couldn't have done without

In my largely frustration filled search to where I am now - that is in a position where I have built up a set of resources that really help me to make full use of the benefits of Mindfulness - I have tried and rejected lots and lots of websites. So many were either not things that I could in any way relate to - or seemed potentially quite useful but stopped after 2 or 3 entries.

There is 1, however, that I have stuck with for years now. It is the one site that gives so many different ways to keep you on board and moving forward. That site is by Rachael Kable and goes by the name of "The Mindful Kind".

It was the regular podcast that first attracted me to Rachael's site. At this moment it is on edition number 239. I cannot honestly say that every single one of those podcasts has been instrumental in changing my life, but that is her main strength. There is something in there for everyone. They are quite short (around 10 mins usually) and quickly get right to the heart of the issue that she is raising.

To support all of those podcast Rachael produced masses of good resources that are free to all members ( It is a free membership ! )

Once again there are so many resources and they cover a wide range of approaches that there is bound to be something in there to suit every budding mindful practitioner. The best thing about ALL of these is that the website is NOT about using every excuse to sell, sell sell. Rachael is genuinely interested in promoting mindfulness to the greatest number of people. Clearly her living comes from the coaching and mentoring work she does in her native Australia and just about everything else she provides is given to you totally free and with absolutely no sales tricks or pressures.

It must be obvious by now that I have a lot of time for The Mindful Kind. Rachael is a person after my own heart, in that she wants to help other people and is driven by pure altruism. I really have no doubts about recommending that you give the website a try ( by clicking on any of the images in this article !). What do you have to lose ?

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